Wednesday, September 16, 2009

" There once was a girl-bird named Gertrude McFuzz and she had the smallest plain tail ever was. One droopy-droop feather. That’s all that she had. And, oh! That one feather made Gertrude so sad... She got very jealous. She frowned. And she pouted.Then one day she got awfully mad and she shouted: ‘This just isn’t fair! I have one! She has two! I MUST have a tail just like Lolla-Lee-Lou!’
~~Dr. Seuss~~

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Let's see...I'm a Wife, a Mother, a Daughter, a Sister, an Aunt, a Friend, a Picturetaker, a Reader, a Christ-follower,a Scrapbooker, a Volunteer, and sometimes a Goofball. I come from California but I've been in the South for 18 years now.

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