Friday, December 05, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!

This Stork has been at the Hospital where I was born since forever!!! My Daddy used to say when we'd drive past that this was the Stork that brought me... and it was 48 years ago today


jessi said...

Happy Birthday, Karen!! Hope you have a great day with lots of yummy cake (that you didn't bake) and ice cream (your favorite flavor!)...wish I could be there.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, my love!

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Memphis, TN, United States
Let's see...I'm a Wife, a Mother, a Daughter, a Sister, an Aunt, a Friend, a Picturetaker, a Reader, a Christ-follower,a Scrapbooker, a Volunteer, and sometimes a Goofball. I come from California but I've been in the South for 18 years now.

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